In ’The Truman show’ Jim Carrry shows us a main character named Truman who lived in an artificial life which is created by human. It is actually live TV show but Truman does not know about it. However, Truman does not except this kind of life and decided to live his place. The producer of this reality show, his name is cristofer tells him to live his created ‘perfect world’ and stay ‘happily ever after’. Cristofer wants Truman to live his world because there is no lie, no unexpected things. Every day when he woke up in his place, he does every day by saying, “In case I don’t see you... good afternoon, good evening, and good night”. Although, wherever he goes everyone recognize him as a star but it is a painful for him. For this reason he tries to leave this place. We all know this place does not have any human created violence but he is unhappy for his life. Even though he has everything job, wife, car, and house. It showed us he has a successful life. When cristofer told him to stay in that place forever and live his rest of his life as a happy person. He neglect his proposal because he do not want to be a star and he want to get out that cave, meet another world that he does not know about it.
If someone tell me which I like better to live ‘cristofer world’ or ‘real world’ than I will not chose cristofer life because there are so many reason for that human like to adventure, try to do something than others and they go above and beyond. A person cannot control others. Basically they do certain time like childhood, and teenager but when they think they are adult nobody can stop them. They do different think, find out what they want and what is good for them. I cannot live this place because there is nothing to do, you control by someone and someone tell what to do or what you want to do that is not life. It is consider as a puppet. Personally I do the same thing what Truman does. It is a human nature. They want to learn new things, explore the world and met others people. I think that is call freedom. People want to enjoy their lives by themselves.
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