Saturday, May 31, 2014


                                                                    Happy Meals

1.     The author Michael Pollan tell us that we need to get back to the olden day when our grand-mother use to grow there food. Stay away from food that we don't know the ingredients and can't pronoun the name because they are highly process.  We should also avoid food product that make health claims because they are not so health after all.  We also should shop where there are fresh food and not in the supermarket  and if we do we must we need to say to the well where there is fresh food.  It is not that hard for me because i like to eat fresh food.  When i cook i can prepare more that on dish so it well keep us out of the fast food and the process food.    

2.     The author state that we must  eat mostly plant and leave because they are heath for you.  plant a garden or eat at the table and not alone.  It would be hard for me because i work and after work i go to school and i do not reach home until ten o'clock at night.  I also do not have time to go to the farm market to buy fresh food because of time.  It would be hard for me to stay out of the supermarket because i work there and i always buy my food there on my way home

3.     My biggest problem would be that i don't eat a like leaves food or plant.  I cannot grow my own food because of where i live  and to have a complete meals at the table because i mostly eat on the run.  I do not have time to go fine a framer market to buy all the food i need or compare price  although they are fresher.      

Friday, May 30, 2014

final project :))) buon appetite

                                                     French baked potatos

This recipe is one of my favorite from home. Now I´m not sure if it does belong to the french culture or just our moms start called these potatos by this name, but for sure u will love them. Its little difficult in time but very delicious.Let´s go by some ingredients
    for some reason I love this foods market.They have a lot of organics food and not so crazy prices.We will need :

first step is cook the potatos and eggs.When everything is done we will need bacon for the bottom of the roaster.

this is not in the original recipe but I do it for better taste.Then cut the potatos and put them on the top of bacon
on the top of the potatos cut the eggs and sausages
on the top we have to  mix a sour cream with mustard, pink salt and fresh ground black pepper.

cover the potatos and eggs with one layer.
repeat this until you done with layers.So long story in short bacon one time,potatoes eggs sausage sour cream,potatoes sausage eggs sour cream until you fill the roaster. Don´t forget on every layer of potatoes put salt.When you finished you have to cover the potatoes with  mixed sour cream as last.
cover it with and put it in the owen on 350 degrees.Bake it fo an 1 hour and 1/2.

it needs more 1/2 hour and we r done :))

 it is ready to eat, sory for the picture but my husband was sooo hungry.So he stealed a bit from it. :DDD
I know it doesn't look good on the pic. but believe me it taste so good.

So what we need is:
7 to 8 pcs cooked potatoes  
7 to 8 pcs hard boiled eggs
2 pcs sour cream
2 tea spoons of mustard
pink salt or sea salt
3 or 4 pcs of sausages (i have them from local polish store)
black pepper
and owen :DDD ;)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Blog 12: Revising CAT-W # 2.

In “The Dangers of Reality Tv” Timothy Sexton explains that reality Tv has many negative consequence for young adians and it is not develop people minds. Author also mentions that Tv companies make money for them but it does not help others people. However, it gives wrong ideas that education is not necessary and without it people can achieve their dreams. Timoth Sexton is right when he says that reality Tv shows give us dangerous massages about education.
When we talk about reality Tv shows than we think big stage, a lot of wealthy people and chance to win money that would be change their lives. Timothy said that “These reality shows send the most dangerous massage that education is completely unnecessary to fulfill the American dream”. If I think that Tv shows change my life without any education then I would say that it is only possible in the dream, not in reality. Reality shows only focus about beauty, nice image, obviously money which represents the luxury. They do not think about viewers but they do care about business because it is profitable for them when people watch their shows. For example, everywhere has reality tv shows such as who can eat food more than others, dancing with star, drinking coffee with star, hunting guest at night, American idol, man vs. wild, Jersey Shore, the real housewives and so on. Most of time they not even thinking that it funny to watch and does not make any sense to the viewers. End this paragraph I want to emphasize that these tv shows are harmful for our educational system.
Reality Tv show has bad impact in our minds. When we see these shows it reminds us that we are living in world that everything is simple and luxury. In this way we pollute our mind and we cannot think beside this. For example, American’s next top models or the voice those are searching for talent who has good voice, beauty. Winner gets money and wealthier lifestyle. When young people see this opportunity he / she may think it is very easy way to get rich without education. This kind of result students get inspires and pollutes their minds.
In conclusion, people should think about reality tv shows and they should choose shows that help them to think about the reality that people faced in their life every day. I wish Tv companies make educational shows that help student. Also they can do good things like ignore the fake luxury and try to do more real things that change to prople.        

Blog 13: "XXXL: Why Are We So Fat?"

    In “Why Are We Fat”, Elizabeth Kolbert mentions that four books such as Fattening of America, The End of Overeating, Fat Land and Mindless Eating. It states that American people over weighted because of their food habits and it is cheaper than past decade. The article tells about how food industries produce oily, sugary, chemical product that are responsible for consumer health but one thing I want to point out that food industries reduce their product  prices because of customer demand and manufacture more unhealthy products.
The article state that “Between 1983 and 2005, the real cost of fats and oils declined by sixteen per cent”. It is clear to us that are food industry play significant role in American lifestyle. They manufacture their products cheaper way and lower the price because people do not have to spend more money instead of this they can get good deal. In my experience I can tell how I’m confused when I go to the supermarket or departmental store like CVS. Few days ago, when I go to the CVS to pick up my precipitin that time front of the door there a big singe that say sale 4 for 11 dollars (original price is per pack5.99) there is different kind of soft drink such as coca- cola , sprite, Pepsi, etc. That moment I was thinking that it is good price to get more soft drinks and I brought 4 pack of soft drink pack. I do not need that many but I buy it because of price. For this reason, food industries reduce their product price to sell more.
Finkelstein said that “For most people, an ice cold Coca-Cola used to be a treat reserved for special occasions,” but what is the reality today instead of water people drink sweetened beverages. It is only matter of price. They love to drink sweeten soda. If people buy more beverage then manufacture produce more products and lower their price.
 But I strongly disagree with t Wansink , he said that ‘Give them a lot they eat a lot”  that sound unrealistic and he does not have  a good judgment. Everything has a limit if we talk about eating then I would say people eat because they fill hungry but if they are not hungry they cannot eat. When I had a days off I always going out with friends and obviously after hangout we set down in restaurant and order food. Every time we waste a lot of food because when we fill up our stomach, we are done eating.

   In conclusion, I want to emphasize that people should ignore the product that contains chemical and unhealthy ingredients. We have to think before buy any products.      

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Writing Blog 10: Manufactured Demand

Today’s world we are living in illusion. We are just following without even thinking. If I talked about water which is most important element in our planet but some people are making us fool to sell tap water to us. It is obvious reality that we buy water for drinking every day.  Some people say that “Bottled water tastes better than tap water” I would say it is dumb idea. Personally when I drink bottle water then I do not fill any differences between tap water and bottle water.
 According to the article “In test after test people cannot tell the differences” . It is a obvious that people cannot tell because when tap water is going to inside of the bottle it is only exchange name but inside the bottle water the same as tap water. There is much bottle water around us. For instance, Nestle pure water, deer pure water, Poland Spring water, dasani water, Aquafina water. These are all tap water. For example, one of my friend, he very often drinking bottle water even though when he stayed at home. Week after week he spends big amount money to buy bottle water. Few months later when he lost his job he faced financial problem because of this reason he decided to drink tap water. Then he realizes that how he wastes his hardworking money to buy bottle water. Without even thinking people make mistake but when they know their mistake they chose the right one.
This is only myth that bottle water better than tap water. It all about fancy bottle, brand name, picture from moumtain. It is very interesting that corporate manipulated people to give some ridicules advices like 100% recyclable, made with 30% less plastic , easy to carry  or is flexible so it is easier to recyclable. These are the policy to sell their products. So tap water is 500 times cheaper than bottle water. People should boycott the bottle water.     

Monday, May 26, 2014

Blog 9 The Meatrix Summerazing

          In the movie the meatrix  Leo was a pig who were happy living on a family farm until Moopheus show up and tell him that he were living in a dream world, and that all animals does not live that way.   Moopheus told him it you want to know the true take the red pill and i will show you ,but it you want to live in your dream world talk the blue pill and stay there.

In the meatrix revolting  Moohpeus told Leo not because we have achieve so much in the past 2 year people start to eat healthier ,but there are still work to be done.  Leo close his eyes and suddenly he is in a happy farm and ask the man at the chair if there is room for him.  But when he look through the meatrix illusion he see machine milking the cow instead of milkmaid.

In the meatrix two and a half Moopheus were capture and told Leo not to worry about me him just stop the dairy factories.  He were tie up and carry to the slaughterhouse that call "Happy Farm".  While the agent were telling Moopheus about how much cow they kill a day to feed the nation fast food.  The agent did not care that one of the work got hurt all the care bout is how fast he can work so the speed up the belt.  Chickly and Leo show up at the slaughterhouse to rescues moopheus, which the did and the three of them run out of the slaughterhouse.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014




I strongly disagree with the myth that “Bottle Water is Safer than Tap Water” because some states have encourage people to drink tap water. They state carried out different test and deemed it safe to use. In today world we know that there are big companies like polar spring, deer park just to name a few, produces a lot of bottled water for sale. The question is how we know that these companies are purifying the water as they should, talking the water through the purification process, making sure this is safe for human consumption, or just producing bottled tap water. In my opinion I don’t think that the tap water will do us any harm. From experience with tap water I used it to drink and cook, and I never got ill with any stomach various or contracted any disease. To me the tap and the bottled water tastes the same and you would not be able to tell the difference. Therefore I have no harm in recommending that, tap water is safe for human consumption also we are able to save money when we don’t buy bottle water

Monday, May 19, 2014

Blog #14 the New Industrial Migrants

As many industries that allows undocumented immigrants to work. The IBP industry is not an exception. This company recruits immigrants to work as meat packing all over the country.  Eric Scholosser, makes sense when he states that, IBP industry recruits immigrants to work for a low salary. Many immigrants accept to work for a low salary because they have no other option. Even though is beneficial for both parties by immigrants getting employed and have the job opportunity to make some money to support their family. And the industries by gaining more money paying less salary to their employees. There are many reasons of how these types of industries are taking advantage from illegal immigrants.

Most of the industries don’t pay the salary that they supposed to pay. It shouldn't be like this; because those people should be treating the same as others human beings. In life anyone should deserve to get pay depending in the type of work that they are doing. If the job is hard, industries should pay more because it’s a kind of complicate job. What’s more, industry that hired illegal immigrants doesn't offer any type of work benefits to them. Per example: when my sister was illegal her boss was trying to abuse of humiliate by trying to make her to work more and paying less. Because after she worked 40 hours he supposed to pay overtime and he didn't do it just because he knew that she was undocumented immigrant and that anyways she had to stay in this job. Afterwards, is very convenient for them because they won’t have the obligation to pay any sick days, vacation, health insurance and union benefits. It’s very unfair that these poor people are working without any benefits just because they are illegal.

Nevertheless, I believe that in life everybody is the same and for a simple paper we cannot discriminate anyone. Everyone should get pay according to the work that they do. We cannot take any advantage and try to abuse any person just because they are illegal and they are in needs plus we can’t either do to others what we won’t like others do to us.

Blog # 14 The New Industrial Migrants(part II)

        Migrants everywhere in U.S.A.Because of unemployment they come here. A lot of problems for them.In the article' The New Industrial Migrants"Eric Schloser states that immigrants would work for less money and without have health insurance. The article shows us that office, runs  ads and radio stations  offering a lot of jobs in US.The article shows that slaughterhouses can be much higher and illegal immigrants can work in meatpacking like a dog for less. GFI  on the other hand drove workers from Texas to Minnesota for plants to Minneapolis in bad conditions only for their gain.Working like a dog is bad for illegal immigrants because they can work for less money and without health insurance.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Working too much for less is a minus for immigrants.It is true when people don't have money to raise their families they can work so hard and they can sacrifice everything. They don't care about their conditions but they care to have a job and to have some little money in their wallet.They sacrifice to be illegal immigrants only to raise their families.As  the article said that "immigrants would work for lower wages than American citizens", it is true . They can have higher salary because of illegal. On the other hands this is America's interest and not immigrants interest.Coming immigrants from Europe years ago I realized that they can have they really job they can work for less money For example if a American construction worker has a check payment  $ 250 and  works  less while an  illegal immigrant has a down payment $ 100 and hard work.My example shows that nobody helps and gives more to them. Another idea from the article is true that"one- quarter of all meatpacking workers are illegal and proportion at some slaughterhouses can be much higher", it is true when illegal immigrants want jobs from the first they come to America they don't care what kind of job it is they care only to work and earn some money.It is true  working in  meatpacking,  slaughterhouse  it  is to hard.The more they work the less they work.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Not only do immigrants earn less money, but they also are without  health insurance.Without a document you can't do anything.Spending the money for health it doesn't work .Where is the gain? No where. GFI and America  can't afford to them insurance because of expensive and of deal.It is true when the author shows that"Poor workers drive up local medical costs"The check up for illegal immigrants  to the  doctors cost an arm and a leg.How about others? It is expensive. The most money they spend to the doctors when they need their services.For example months ago a relative came from Greece.He used to work in construction .Latter on he had an stomach pain .In Queens hospital he paid around $5000 for all his services. My example shows that without health insurance it is impossible.The money goes tho the doctors .                                                                                                                                                                                In conclusion I have to emphasize that working as a dog for little bit it is dangerous because  the health can ruin . The state and the big companies should help immigrants in a better way and should care more for these immigrants who struggle themselves to earn money for their families without any price.

Sunday, May 18, 2014


i acknowldge that Pollan's suggestions are amazing and people get healthy, but many people can't follow his suggestions. Not only do people plat a garden, but they also get out of the supermarket. Their most time spend making money for living. Unlike his suggestion, they want to eat more and pay less.

I can't follow his suggestion because I am an international students. So, i don't have enough time to plant a garden and I have to buy food in supermaket, becuase i don't have a lot of money. Also, I'm busy for studying, so i spend my time for alone.

His ideas are just dream. Maybe everyone want to follow his suggestions, but people can't follow in real life. Most people live in city include my family and me. So, they don't have places to grow thier food and they can't spend time to grow their plants.

Blog 13

          Obesity.....It's synonymous with Americans.As much as we are known for our freedoms and diversity.We are also known for this growing problem.The United States has troubling states nearly 35 percent of Americans are obese.Elizabeth kohlbert author of "why are we so fat"Believes she has the answer to her question.I recently read book 3:Fat land in which ms kohlbert points to big portion sizes and vendors trying sell larger quantities,and uses examples like mcdonalds "super sizing" to plead her case.I oppose because I think obesity has more to do with food quality over portion size.
          "Once wallerstein introduced the bigger boxes,popcorn sales at his theaters soared,and so did those of another high margin item,soda".Soda no matter the size is super unhealthy.Sure drinking a 16 fl oz is worst then drinking 8 fl oz,But drinking 8 fl oz,Constantly will help make you obese.One of my uncles who was really obese I would notice it was not the amount of food he would eat,But the quality.Meals with high saturated fats and drink with loads of sugar were he's fav.He always used to tell me why am I going to spend money at a super market and waste my time cooking it.When I can go to a fast food restaurant and have a good tasting meal at a bargain of a price.
          "They don't want to eat Two bags-they don't want to look like a glutton".gluttony I think is humanity's main problem.We take our food for granted.Good food or bad food.We just don't know when to stop.To the point we are throwing away tons of leftovers.


Bottled water is safer than tap water

When i came in New York, buying water was really unfamiler to me. I never bought water in Korea. I didn't know which bottled water was good. So, I usually bought cheapist one, but I wondered what was different from other bottled water which is more expensive that I picked. I found what was different. It was PH. The higher PH water was, the more expensive it was. After I knew, I bought Evian. It was little expensive that other bottled water, but I could trust it. Sometime,when we went to restaurant and  just ordered tap water, they surved water in lemon. It mean that they tried to make high PH water. High PH was good for people.

Blog .9

In the movie, "meatrix", the maker talks that cows drink other cows blood for growing faster. It causes  cow's DNA mutate and change. That is really serious problem. People eat cows and milk from them.Not only does mutating and changing DNA cause illness cow and people also sick as they eat cows, but cows also easily infect from vaterias. People can't eat meat without fear no more.

4 years ago, in Korea, almost 2000 cows were die because of vacteria's infaction. That reason was that farmers drink other cow's blood for growing quickly. They didn't care of cows and other people who eat their meats. They just needed more money. That mutating DNA makes cows illeness, and led all die. If people ate that meat, they would be illeness like cows.

blog 14 "The new industrial migrants"

The new industrial migrants were treated as disposable robots in meatpacking plants in which the job is very jeopardous. Most immigrants in meat packing plants are either undocumented immigrants or H-2A which means temporary working visa. Thus, for industrial meatpacking companies, hiring them when they need, and dumping out them when they do not need is very common. Especially, the workers got fatal injury and no longer be able to work. One idea I counted significant in the passage that “ there is a 100 percent turnover rate annually," These meatpacking companies can change the workers as many times as they can in order to get lot of benefits. These companies use the legislation that companies must give benefits such as health insurance, vacation when workers work more than six months.  These companies use the law in a wrong way so the worker are just used as the same as meats as for the companies' benefits. For instance, building window cleaning job is the most dangerous jobs, American are mostly avoid this job. Thus, the window cleaning agency hire illegal people, or they offer H-2A to the foreigner to work. Many cleaners fall down and die because there is not such a good protection of tool for hanging on the window. Even they die, the company do not care of them because the company can hire as many as they can. Not only that, the dead worker's family does not want to report to government because they are illegal. As Eric Schlosser, the immigrants are victims in meatpacking places. They work hard in the worst and dangerous circumstances, and they are dumped out when they are no longer useful from the company. Now, the government should make strict legislation for immigrants, so the immigrants, who work for Americans, can work fairly


Saturday, May 17, 2014

Part I: summaries of the films

In the 1950s corporations take over small family frames for profit to product a long quality of food. Because of the profit they pack the animals in small place. Therefore, animals get sick and injected with antibiotics. Those animals are polluted the air but scary consequence is unhealthy condition lead dangerous dieses like mad cow. Some of them cause cancer.

In “Matrix” we are shown a factory farm that mother cow and children are separated. They feed Milk replacer which contains cow blood and these cows are given artificial growth. We visit a slaughter house factory where cows are processed about 5,000 cows meet a day and those are ready for fast food store.  

Blog 11: "Happy Meals"

In “Happy Meals” Michael pollan gives several suggestions about healthy food and maintain specific rules that helps to people stay well. My personal opinion that pollan”S advices seems little bit stick but it is reality that we are facing every moment in our lives.  These suggestions are very realistic that we cannot ignore because today everywhere foods are made in chemical which is very unsafe for human body. So, there are no reasons that Pollans advice is ignorable. Pollans first advice is very sophisticated but it is true as a bright. There is a reason; companies are manufacture their products in different name some of them are related to beloved character which is inspiring for young people because it is sociological issue those young children think that they would be stronger, smarter, faster is they buy those products. I remember when I was a child there is a product called ‘Horlicks’ In adds who ever drink this he or she faster like a superman, smart like a Einstein and a lot of things they mention in these product. It would be possible in dream but not in real world. When I brought food for my family I always try to buy real food that test like real.
Pollans address that ignore Unfamiliar and unpronounceable food product that is absolutely truth. These are manmade chemical which is dangerous for health.  That would be easy way to maintain our food product and avoid harmful products. I think pollan’s ideas has significant role in our lives if people follow his suggestions. For example, the American food system has policies that they reduce their product price but do not improve their quality. So we should buy quality food and stay healthy which is doable for us. If you live in New York City there is heard to find place for gardening so you cannot plant anything that you like.
Pollan,s several suggestions do not complicate. It is easily maintainable for anyone. Firstly, author advice that ignore supermarket and buy product for framer market which is fresh and also organic. Secondly, avoid any food product that harmful for health. Thirdly, eat fresh food even though it expensive.     

Monday, May 12, 2014

blog10----Manufactured Demand

      Many people who choose bottled drinking water understand that it is more expensive, but they are willing to pay the extra money because they feel bottled water is safer, healthier and comvenient than tap wate  for them. After all, bottled water is often marketed as "natural spring water" or "pure glacier water."
In reality, few bottled waters come from natural springs, and most of them use municipal tap water. The companies are able to get away with this false marketing because the regulations and standards for bottle drinking water are less stringent than those for residential drinking sources.
Bottled water quality is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), while drinking water systems are typically regulated by State regulations or the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This doesn't mean that the FDA isn't doing their job. It's just that the rules for bottled water only require it to be as good as tap water, not better.

Mindless Eating

                    In “XXXL: Why are we so fat?,” Elizbeth Kolbert states in her “Book4: Mindless Eating” that people don't know how much they want to eat, they are more rely on external cues and want big portion size, and only want to stop when someone tell to do so. The Cornell University's Food and Brand Lab of director Brain Wansink is testing about people's eating behavior in every circumstances. He does two experiments to test on his students, and he finds out that when students get more popcorn they eat more. Even though that popcorn does not have standard food quality, they still had eaten more than average. On the other experiment, the researcher provides more food without noticing to students than they have being served. In addition, he encourages to students as writing phrases as “ate and ate and ate.” on the bowl which he serve for them. At last the final conclusion for his research is students eat a lot when they are given a lot.
It is really hard to control our eating habit when it once rooted inside us.
Our habits make us to get bigger portion of food even we are full, and we know that junk food can make us obesity, we are still eating them.
I don't want to stop eating when I get plenty of food. I have been in that kinds of situation a lot. Among them, I just remembered about my trip to Singapore last year.At that time my friend who lives there treated me for lunch, so, he brought me to Buffet restaurant and it cost about S$30 each person. They provided variety of foods including sushi, salmon, fried shrimp, fried chicken, crabs and so on. They allowed only 3hours for every customers to eat there. So, my friend and I started using our valuable time as soon as we can start to do so by picking up Fried fish, shrimp, and other food which we thought it was expensive. We could eat a lot and we didn't even believe in our ability to eat.
We didn't pause while we were eating. If nothing left on our table, we picked others food again, and used the whole 3 hours there.The researcher from the article mention statement is totally true to me that “Give them a lot and they eat a lot.” Even though I was full in last thirty minutes, I could still eat them. When my friends brought more fried shrimp, and put on the table, unbelievably, my hand was on the plates again.
Furthermore, I will accept when someone says that health is the most important thing than food in regular time, but when I am having a good taste of food even it is junk foods, I will respond as let talk about health issue after finishing my food. I usually fail to think about my health when I am eating food especially French-Fry.

Blogs #12

Catw essay #2  cell phone

 The article ," how your cell phone hurts your relationships"  by Helen lee Lin explains that cell phone is not good at all . Sometimes it's make trouble in people relation. Even though , it breaks up our close relation. According to the article , Weinstein explains that how people lie when people talk each other . Weinstein also explains that , when people talk by cell phone, they don't believe each other a lot  because they don't even realize correct situation. In addition, in addition cell phone uses for long distant talk. People can solve important talk by cell phone. Moreover, it is also good for send a tax messages, check sports score and brows in the internet. If I were in her shoes, I would do the same because cell phone makes people a little lire, it convinces people relation don't believe each other.
One significant idea from the reading that cell phone breaks up close relation because of lie. Many people lie when they talk by cell phone. They don't realize the real situation  because they don't see where they are talking about. They think that they are talking very smart but they don't understand how the effect their relationship. Even though they don't share their lie. For example, I read a article "New York Times" about

Happy Meals

According to Pollan's suggestions for eating better, his idea is possible for me and my family to accept. First of all, it is possible to avoid eating foods which my great grand mother disallow us because she has more cooking experience than us and she would know how to cook healthy. So, her advices would be right. Moreover, it is dangerous to eat food which their ingredients are unfamiliar with us, and the author is right we shouldn't eat high-fructose corn syrup because it can lead us to be obesity, and diabetes. It can't give us any advantages, so we should stop using this kind of stuffs. “In addition, we haven't used every items which we see in markets, so we don't know which one is good for our health. But we can easily neglect products which were charged by Health Association because it is obviously clear that unhealthy products may get fined. Moreover, we can't shop real food which mean fresh and healthy food in supermarket, the most fresh and nutritious food may in the farm market because we already know that every organic food come from them. Furthermore, now a days most of the healthiest people in the world are loving to eat green leaves,and vegetables. That are facts we can't argue with anythings, so we must accept that we get benefit of eating mostly green leaves. I agree with an author last advice and it is possible to do, and acceptable way for families. It is the best and fresh food ever which we pick from our own garden when we need to cook. More over, it can save our money and will become more happy by sharing them with our neighbors. Why are we eating meal? Is it only to satisfy our physical needs? Those questions were pop up in my mind while reading the author statement, and my answer would be not only satisfy our physical need but also to fulfill our emotional which I mean families dinners. We can talk and share about our daily experience with each other family members in our family dinner tables, so we don't have to eat rush and we can eat slowly, and talk, and create happy meals.

It is hard to follow every steps of the author saying because my great grand mother may know something, but not every things. So, when I have to choose to eat for breakfast I would not ask to my grandmother because she doesn't have chances to know about now a days every new products such as nondairy creamer. I like to use this stuffs when I make my coffee, but my great grand mother doesn't like it, she only like traditional simple coffee which is black coffee with sugar. More over, it is hard for me to know every products which have health claim issues, so I can't pay attention on every products whatever they announced. I will try whatever products which reach in my hand and if I like it I will keep using it, if it is not I will stop using it. But I would accept only avoid using product when I see side effect products in front of my eyes. Moreover, I could slightly agree with eating mostly leave, but I can't accept fully. Eating more leaves can maintain our bodies healthy but it will not give me delicious meal. I can't be satisfied with my dishes a lot of leaves and having a small amount of meat in it. Moreover, getting plants from our own gardens is more nice than buying from farm markets but it is really hard to own big acres of garden in now a days. Even if we can create a small garden, we still have to spend our time and energy from our busy schedules to have healthy grown plants. Moreover, in these day we have less chance to have family dinners, so we can't expect too much on our busy family members to join in our dinner tables. We can make it happens, but it can't be always.

I strongly disagree with the author, because his idea is totally impossible for us to accept. We all have different like and dislike foods, so I will not like whatever my great grandmother says it is good. I will eat whatever I like. I don't want to know what is made with, I only care about the product brands. The one that I know is the product brand is not easy to create, so whatever the product brand is popular it is surely delicious and worth to pay. There is one more point which impossible for me which is “Get out of the supermarket whenever possible.” That is impossible because we don't have time to shop every single farm to pick up our needs. Every products have same quality, we don't need to choose that much.
If we buy from supermarkets, we will get the same quality products as the Farm markets. Moreover, that is impossible to plants ourselves to have organic food, because now a days lands price are higher than the last two decades. Even though if we have land, it is impossible to use even a few space to make as garden in this city. If we make a garden where can we park, where can we make BBQ, where can we throw parties. Moreover, if we can have a meal with other people especially family members, it would be nice. Now a days, most family members can only put on their expectation list to have a family dinner, because they can't give time for that. Whoever hungry they have to eat first, because they have to do next things.

Blogs # 11 r

" happy meals"
Good food is always  good for health. It makes people better health. All over the world everybody would like to happy meals but sometimes it is complicated because of many reasons such as Sometimes they do not find good food or sometimes they don't like to buy expensive foods.

CATW essay revise

          In “How Your Cell Phone Hurts Your Relationships, ” Helen Lee Lin states that the relationships between people can be hurt if the phones are present around in their conversation area. Moreover, according to research it shows that people can not trust each other, and can't feel closeness to each other if the cellphone is present in their sight. Furthermore, the past studies also show that using cellphones may make us pay attention less to our social awareness, and current environment. The author is right. If we have phones in our hands while we are in conversations, both parties may feel doubt and cant communicate effectively.
          Personally, I don't want to talk with friends who busy with their phones because even though I talk to them, I am not sure they are listening to me. That kind of event happened to me, once my friend and I came back from school and took a bus together. Meanwhile, we were talking to each other about our class work and school. But the thing which I disliked was that he was always checking his cell phone. I felt like he didn't pay attention to our conversations, and I had dilemma about whether to talk him or not, and I became doubt on him. Moreover, I don't feel I am wrong because according to the research from the article it shows me that I am right. In that research the researcher asked a pair of strangers to discuss interesting events. He also placed cellphones near their conversation area. After their conversation was done, the researcher gave them questionnaires about their feelings about each other while cell phone was present near them. Their answers were same as mine, they didn't feel close to each other, and feeling less trusting.
         Furthermore, I don't want to blame my friend because even myself will pay less attention to current environment while I have my phone in my hand. My unconscious mind is attached to my phone even though I am communicating with other people. This mostly happens when I send text message from my phone before I have to physically communicated with another friend. I always pull back my attention from my ongoing conversation on my phone. So, I can't really concentrate on our conversation between us. In addition, according to research from the article it show that too “because of the many social instrumental, and entertainment options phone afford us, they often divert our attention from our current environment, whether we are speeding down a high way or sitting through a meeting.”
In conclusion, if we want to have a good conversation with friend and feel closer. We should keep our phone away.

Manufactured demand blog

          Germs,,,,,Those weird looking creatures,you remember seeing under a microscope,when you were a kid.the word cooties makes you cringe.Ahh thank god for all those cootie shots I tool.There's one thing I noticed in my adult life.Majority of people are still really germophopic.From riding the subway,and seeing commuters excess use of hand sanitizer.To pedestrians walking in the street with surgical masks.People are afraid of germs,and when it comes to our water supply,that view doesn't change.Or might even be heighten.As proven by this myth"but tap water is still susceptible to germs,as well as perrcorus chemical agents."
          This myth raises questions,And one of those questions.....Is this all true?Well I will argue against this myth,As I found a study done in 2006,courtesy of Wikipedia that shows 89.3 percent of the nations community water systems were in compliance with more than 90 EPA standards.Add a regulated water system.With a good quality water filter at home and a free price tag.That is very hard to beat.
          This myth reminds me of certain times in my life.Good memories and bad.Growing up I was really into baseball.My dad had this dream of me and my brothers making it into the pros.Well that dream kinda faltered and now wants us all to become cops.But that's another story for another day.I remember playing little league baseball in the park,In my hometown of queens ny,Two to three times a week and drinking out out of the public water fountain with no problem.I never got sick,Nothing.I did that for years.That was of course was the good memory.The bad memory of course doesn't end as pretty.I went to Dominican republic when I was 10 years old,And become really good friends with the kids in the neighborhood.We would play games afterward I would see them drink out of the water fountain in the streets so I would do the same.After a few days I got really sick.I was vomiting everything I ate,had really bad diarrhea.I was severely dehydrated.We went to the hospital where the doctor told me I had caught a parasite most likely from the water supply.