Monday, April 14, 2014

blog6 #

In " A Smoking Ban Too Far" Michael. B. Siegel states that the City Council allows smoking ban in New York in order to protect non-smokers in open places such as parks, beaches. However, he notices that prohibiting smoking at broad places is far a way from the main purpose which keeps non smokers' health proper from smokes because not only people can avoid the smokes as moving on one another places but also, the place is huge enough to circulate air. According to Researchers at Stanford, they say that people will have disadvantage from tobacco smokes when they are really closer to smokes even open places. Nevertheless, nobody finds out or prove facts how much the smokes affect non smokers' health when non smokers have some distance which is more than three feet in big area. So far, secondhand smokes in open space did not inform how badly affect people's heath. Also, surgeons general's office proclaims that when nonsmokers are keep exposed from smokes, they would have health problem such DNA damages. As the surgeon general office says, it is possible to have from one time DNA damages from any occasion. In sump up, smoking opponents do not have enough reasons to support banning smoking in open public place in New York. In addition, many other states still allow people to smoke even in small places such as bars, restaurants, clubs.

1 comment:

Doctor X said...

Excellent choice--this topic was actually a "live" topic not that long ago.