Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Blog 6. Http://

 is a strong word and a strong altering Choices in your life have been made based on this feeling.Never got married because you were hopeful your ex would call?ouch.Scratching your head at the rent money you lost for being hopeful that you can bet on a race horse named Delilah?double whammy.Is hope in our lives actually a bad thing?does it make us blind and irrational from making the right choices in our life's?Simon Critchley believes so.Author of the article "abandon (nearly)all hope.In he's article Mr.Critchley makes some strong points citing stories from Greek mythology to human history to back up he's views.I for one,strongly disagree with the authors views.I feel hope is a good thing and drives humans in the right direction.
          The Author points to history,Using the example of the pelopennesian war.In which the Athenians were at war with the Melians.The Athenians presented the Melians with an ultimatum.Either surrender to them or be destroyed.The Melians held on to hope,that there allies would come and save them.when there demands weren't met.the Athenians invaded,Sparta did not come to Melos aid,And all men of military age were killed.With the woman and children becoming enslaved.I will use history as well in favor of the positives of hope.During world war 2 The axis powers(Germany,italy,Japan)with imperialistic ideation were seeking pretty much to take over the world by force.Germany had overwhelming success taking over European countries.For example Defeating France in one month's time.Can you imagine Britain or the allied powers having no hope and surrendering on the basis that Germany is too strong too intimidating.The world we live in would be a completely different place.One can only imagine the consequences in a world run by adolf hitler instigator of atrocities such as the holo cost.
          "Hope is the evil of evils,because it prolongs man's torment.Often,by clinging to hope,we make the suffering worst".A quote by Nietzsche,Used by the author in he's article.I feel hope brings out the best in us.Can you imagine someone that's just been told they have cancer,that there not gonna seek treatment because they have no hope.I read a recent study that one out of every 3 people will get cancer sometime in there lifetime.Picture that person stating ah I don't need chemo.Ah I don't need surgery,it's a scary thought,one that's inconceivable.
           In my eyes hope is a good thing and one that humans need.It shapes our life's and civilizations have been shaped in the past,present and future by it.That my friends is never going to change.Hard choices will be made based of it and that's never a bad thing.Nothing like the feeling that even thou things are bad now.......there is always hope that things will get better.


1 comment:

Doctor X said...

Well done! Very good CAT-W subject. :-)