In the Meatrix, the well written animated film show and also expresses the fact that since 1950's, the traditional family farm system has changed into a farm factory. Since factory farming, farm animals such as pigs, cows, and chickens has been treated differently. Animals are being packed into small spaces in the factory with no room to move. The fact that the animals are being put together in a small room means extremely bad odor and also animals are dying upon each other. Antibiotics are being heavily used to avoid any type of disease from these farm animals. Baby Cows are being fed with old cow blood which is nasty and harmful. Also in the factories, workers are being treated every poorly. Meat are being quickly rushed to make instead made with care.
The overuse of antibiotics can transfer on the food we eat today. Pigs are the main animals that receive the pills so that they can receive no germs or disease. Cows are being put together along with their waste. Cows are suffering mad cow disease which can harm the consumer which are us. Artificial hormones are being used on these poor animals as well.
As it was mention earlier, dangerous working conditions are in the farm factories. Workers are working in such a fast pace in the factory that while butchering, workers tend to cut their own finger off in an attempt to keep up with the pace of flowing meat that are being moved. Besides the fact that workers are being mistreated, there is also manure in the meat when processed which is dangerous. As a consumer, you should know what your eating and the meatrix show what your eating.
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