Saturday, May 31, 2014


                                                                    Happy Meals

1.     The author Michael Pollan tell us that we need to get back to the olden day when our grand-mother use to grow there food. Stay away from food that we don't know the ingredients and can't pronoun the name because they are highly process.  We should also avoid food product that make health claims because they are not so health after all.  We also should shop where there are fresh food and not in the supermarket  and if we do we must we need to say to the well where there is fresh food.  It is not that hard for me because i like to eat fresh food.  When i cook i can prepare more that on dish so it well keep us out of the fast food and the process food.    

2.     The author state that we must  eat mostly plant and leave because they are heath for you.  plant a garden or eat at the table and not alone.  It would be hard for me because i work and after work i go to school and i do not reach home until ten o'clock at night.  I also do not have time to go to the farm market to buy fresh food because of time.  It would be hard for me to stay out of the supermarket because i work there and i always buy my food there on my way home

3.     My biggest problem would be that i don't eat a like leaves food or plant.  I cannot grow my own food because of where i live  and to have a complete meals at the table because i mostly eat on the run.  I do not have time to go fine a framer market to buy all the food i need or compare price  although they are fresher.      

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