Wednesday, March 12, 2014

blog 3 of I know the Truth, So Don't bother Me with Facts.

Rumors, rumors, rumors,everywhere.They are part of our lives.We discus and listen them every day.Do you think rumors are dangerous or just stories ?Do you think  people are interesting about [interested in ] them and still believe in them? In the article " I know the Truth, So Don't  Bother Me with Facts", Jeffrey Kluger explains that how humans have long been trick and fooled by rumors and complete lies.A study wants to find facts how people easily believe and how to get people to them.Two professors came in conclusion that it easy to fool people to believe in rumors and ones people believe with rumors it's hard to remove them from the brain. At the end the article show us how the brain can help individuals to reject these rumors .I agree with  Jeffrey kluger that people have been fooled by rumors and lies because people like to believe in rumors and they tend to be stubborn and have strong ego and when they faced the truth they fall into denial.                                                                                      
              To begin with , people like to believe in rumors.I have witnessed that  many people fall prey of rumors. They believe easy in them and they don't have to think about reading or searching for them,but they believe what the others say.Most of the people believe in president Obama.Everything he says it is significant for them,but in reality a lot of promises and nothing is true nothing happened. [notice how you moved from "rumors" to "promises" here--be careful not to change the topic] During his presidential camping in 2008 Barack Obama  pledged ,to bring back the jobs lost in 2007 and 2008  and to fix the economic problems.Even thought people still lose the jobs on the other hand they still believe in false promises that they will get their jobs soon.They want to believe this rumor because the reality hurt them. This problem needs to be  solved as soon as possible. The faster they get jobs the less they will suffer and less problems they will have. People should stop thinking and believing in this rumor but to think about reality and how to solve this problem.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Not do people believe in rumors but also they tend to be stubborn and have strong ego.As the article states "none of us like being told we're wrong" "which was backed up by studies proving people stick to their own beliefs even strong when shown data that opposes theirs . In the 2008 Election  spreaded  rumors that  President Barack Obama is a Muslim. Even thought he says is a Christian and was raise from christian parent  and believe in God.Most people find this uncertainty.Obama unusual middle name Hussein which unfortunately for the senator happens to be the name of the famous Iraqi dictator.Some people wonder why does a Christian have a middle name of Islamic background. Even though they listened before about Obama's religion people still think that President Obama is a Muslim.People tend to believe rumors that agree with their own point of view and stick with the idea sometimes they don't care  about hurt and damage to e personal reputation.People should stick and believe with real fact.  [good attempt at the sandwich paragraph--keep this up]                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
              Finally when people faced a truth they fall into denial. People sometimes believe strongly in something and when faced with a contradicting truth they fall into denial. As the article show us the debate over the supposed planned mosque at "Ground Zero" This show us how this false beliefs stick in peoples brain's.      [needs further development--how is the "mosque" a type of "denial"?]                                                                                                                                                                
                In conclusion I want to emphasize that people still believe in rumors in untrue stories which can be harm and can stick in their minds. People should avoid these rumors and they should thinking right before speaking,because rumors even thought are not important can hurt.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      


Doctor X said...

Not bad, nartiote4, not bad. The whole was relatively easy to read, and you definitely are getting the idea of what kind of essay is needed.

Notice: you tend to move slightly off topic (this happened in both the first and last body paragraph). Make sure you either a) stick to the subject or b) connect your topic to the topic of the reading (rumors to promises, for example).

Unknown said...

I wasn't sure. I was confused . Thank you .