Wednesday, March 26, 2014

blog4"the cave"

The Allegory Of The Cave

           In Plattors "The Allegory Of The Cave" Socrates tells a story to him student M Laucon to explain that we live on unexamuned life. We live a closed, always on the same level of knowlege, never being able to increase that knolege. The illusions are created by our culture or society (By those who benefit from keeping us ignorant) and we believe these illusions to be "real" when we are given knowledge, we become free of the ilusions. but getting knowlege is a slow painfull process. Gradually, we become luise when we try to explain what we have learned what is real ( true and right ) to others, we fail because they can't understand the truth. They conclude the knowlegde able person is ridiculous, or crazy and dangerous. 
First of all, society lives in a darkness or cave. Our Society lives in a consume that publisyty and us creted

1 comment:

Doctor X said...

So, where is the example from history or personal experience?