People likes talking about rumors almost always, and they like to depend on rumors because people know that believing lies do not cost and it doesn't ruin people's lives. Kluger point out that people does not take rumors that seriously whether it is verified or not, so people go ahead with their previous believes and they do not even bothered believing false story. For example, when I was 17 year-old, there was a scary rumor in which human's finger was cut off by an accident during the manufacturing of ice bar, ,named Scru Bar and a red color. Once, the rumor had been spread throughout South Korea, people started to believe the story and no one wanted to buy the ice bars because there are afraid of getting the chance to have that. A few months later, the ice bar company announced that it was just a rumor by an employee who was fired from the company. However, people liked to listen to the rumor, and some people excited about finding out the illusion of finger. Sadly, I found that people like and enjoy fake story because it doesn't cost, it doesn't affect their lives as loosing money or people .However , I think that someone, or some groups may loose money or reputation so I think If some rumors was verified as lies, we should change our mind set. [this idea needs to be rephrased so it is more straightforward] As I mention the above, the company not only loose some revenue, but also, they lost their reputation. I think stick with untrue affect our lives.
In addition, as the author points out, people does not want to change their beliefs because it is easy to stick with lies,and there is no punishment of believing wrong information. To illustrate, I know that many people in the world believe that "Dog Do", which is Korea's Island, is Japan's Island because Japanese spread the rumors and they made people believe that the island is their territory. My country proved that the island is as our island in which the distance is closer my county, South Korea, and people who have lived on the island for five thousand years known as Korean. However, South Korean proved the true as showing many historical records and evidences that "Dog Do is Korean's. Nevertheless, many people who are not Korean in the world would not want to change believing Dog Do is Korean's because there are not punishments believing rumors. Sadly, "Dog Do Island" is still known as Japan's on the world map. South Korean still have been fighting with the Japan because they have made people believe the rumors, and people still have accepted the lies. As the author describes, people do not even want to be bothered their mind. Unfortunately, There are always some victims by the rumors like my country, and I am really afraid of that people believe that Dog Do Island is Japan's land. Most people don't mind that if the rumors are not about themselves ,so they want to hang in rumors . [notice you are repeating the same ideas over and over] If people stand on with lies, people would be confused by the rumors and society would be unjustified. I really want that there should be some punishment for people who believe some unproved stories so that no one would not stick with lies. Believe or not rumors, it is their choices.
Sump up, as the Kluger , changing mind is not really easy for people, if it is about rumors. We are living in [something missing here] full of rumors and Gossips whether that they are not true. Nevertheless, people do not want to fix their false beliefs because they think they do not need to correct them. However, I doubt that it is really good for all of people and healthy mind? I want to say it is not, and there are many victims by the untrue stories. So, I want to people being aware and rejecting rumors.
1 comment:
Okay, so now you have the idea of what the whole essay should be like. Good.
Your evidence and explanations are fine. You refer back to the text also--that is good.
Every now and then you are wordy and/or repeat yourself. See if you can just say what you need to say without too many extras.
I have highlighted grammar and word choice issues. Those in the first paragraph I have corrected, for the most part. I would like you to try to figure out what is incorrect about the rest (It is okay if you cannot figure out them all).
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