Friday, March 28, 2014

Blog 4 "allegory of a cave"

          In plato's "The Allegory of the cave",Socrates tells a story to his student Glaucon to explain that we live an unexamined life.We live a closed life,always on the same level of knowledge ,Never being able to increase that knowledge.There are illusions are created by our culture/society(By those who benefit from keeping us ignorant)and we believe these illusions to be "real".When we are given knowledge,we become wise.Free of these illusions,but gaining knowledge is a slow,painful process.Gradually,we become wise.When we try to explain what we have learned.What is "real"(fine and right)to others,We fail because they deny or cannot understand the truth.They conclude the knowledgable person is ridiculous,stupid,or crazy and dangerous.Seeking truth is a journey from the cave of light and those who love wisdom will complete the journey.
          History is a true testament to this ongoing phenomenon.Throughout time we have seen the vast majority of society accepts principles and rules put together by government and higher society.Once these rules are challenged.By a brilliant mind who thinks outside of the box,It is considered blasphemy.One such time in history that calls out to me,One of the greatest minds to ever grace this planet.With references like "Father of modern observational astronomy,and Father of modern physics,He's legacy speaks for itself.Galileo Galilei is known for all he's break through work in physics,astrology and mathematics.Through all the great discoveries he made,He is probably best remembered not for he's discovery of Jupiter's largest moons,or analysis of sunspots,But for he's stance on heliocentrism,Which is a belief that earth and planets revolve around a stationary sun.This was at a time when almost everyone believed in geocentrism.Where the earth is at the orbital center of all celestial bodies.Including the Catholic Church,Which was in charge at the time.Which found heliocentrism.False and against the beliefs of the bible.The church for-bided Galileo from advocating heliocentrism.Untamed,Galileo wrote a book defending he"s views.For this,He was tried found "suspect of heresy".He was forced to renounce he"s views and forced to live under house arrest the rest of his life.As we all know with modern science Galileo was right.If one thing history shows us is,and in regards to allegory of a cave.Majority of society lives an un examined life,and are chained in a cave.The very few that go out of the cave and see the light.Accomplish great and wondrous  things.Without fear of persecution or tribulation.

1 comment:

Doctor X said...

Nice example. Good job.

Now, tell me: what have you got against spaces after periods? ;-)