In the article “I Know the Truth, So Don’t Bother me with
Facts”, the author states that people are easily persuaded into believing
gossip that might not be true. A study was done by R. Kelly Garret and Erik
Nisbet who recruited 750 people who set out to expose facts about the Islamic
Culture Center. Their task was to present information that would change people’s
belief. Garrett states that many studies were carried out and people were not
easily persuaded to change their belief although valid data was presented. In
the world today people haves nothing to lose nor gain about their belief. I
agree that people don’t want to change their minds about what they believe in
whether the information circulated is true or false.
Rumors and lies are what people say to get by in life. This
is something that would not ruin their life. Some people’s belief is so strong
that whatever a quote says they would not budge [I do not know what you mean by this] . ……I remember watching a movie
where the family took their father to the hospital. He suffered a stroke in the
left side of his body, he was lifeless and nonfunctional. The family was sure
that the father had died, but the doctors convinced the family that the dad was
still alive because his brain was still at work. The family members were stuck
in their belief. They relied on the physical evidence of the father’s lifeless
body and was not willing to change their belief. The immensity of the father
still being alive baffled the family because they weren’t willing to broaden
their minds to accept the fact that he was still alive.
The title of this passage in its entirety is contradictory
as well as quite jovial. The first paragraph is almost calling human beings
stupid due to the fact that we are easily fooled and deceived. The supposed
mosque being built at Ground Zero caused a lot of conflict because Americans
felt that the Islamic culture should not have any place of say or any purpose
at ground zero even though in all actuality the supposed center wasn’t a mosque
and it wasn’t being built in Ground Zero. Despite this fact people still
believed that indeed a mosque was being built even though that race of [there is only one race; the human race, you need a different term here] people
caused a lot of hurt and pain to thousands of families. I recall an incident at
work where there was chatter around the office about a Christmas bonus, if for
one month all the employees would come to work on time and meet our target that
was assigned to us. As first when I heard this proposal I was in disbelief because
a proposal like that should come from corporate office in writing, but I was a
team player and still went along in meeting the requirements for said bonus. After
a few days we were told that the our supervisor was going on a vacation for
Christmas for 2 weeks and when she returned she hopes to hear that we were
making our numbers and getting to the office on time. We the employees were gullible
in believing the rumor and I was very upset in finding out that the chatter around
the office was indeed chatter and not significant Intel.
1 comment:
Not bad, Albany. You definitely have the main elements of the essay in place. Good job.
What we need to work on is making your evidence connect better to the reading, so that it does not feel like you are conducting a slightly off conversation. Finding suitable examples is a step to do when annotating and prewriting.
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