Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Blog 3

       In the article "I know the Truth, So Don't Bother Me with Facts", Jeffrey Kluger explains that humans have a habit of believing in what’s true [falsehoods] without facts. Kluger not only stresses the fact that people can easily believe in something without evidence but how difficult it is to change someone's false belief with facts to back up your statement. A new study taken place at Ohio State University by two assistant professors of communications indicates that beliefs can be easy to manipulate with false images and unnecessary quotes. Another result from the study shows that a selective group that was recruited for the study was willing to change their belief because of the evidence that were shown to them [on the contrary: they were unwilling] . Based on the article, people are very stubborn when it comes to learning the facts after knowing that their wrong simply because we do not like to be wrong. [you need a strong thesis here]
       When a conversation about beliefs is being brought up, I tend to stand up for what I believe in no matter what. I agree with Jeffrey because stubborn people, including me, can be defensive when speaking about truth because what you think is true, can be false. To be honest, beliefs can be true or false if proven with facts to support the reason why it’s false. Even the beliefs I believe in can be false such as believing your friends would never betray you for an example. As humans, we make mistake. Also, we can be easily influenced to something that is not true. [general; you need details] 

            It is true that people turn ignorant when the truth is presented to them which go against their beliefs. Usually they take the truth as a consideration and still believe in what’s wrong which is sad. People do not like to be corrected or wrong which is understandable, if someone reach for you to tell the truth with facts, why continue to be ignorant?

1 comment:

Doctor X said...

As you can tell from the fact that the summary is the longest part of your response, what we need to work on is development, starting with a clear map thesis and continuing with making general ideas specific via concrete examples.

Also: you need better introductions (see page 23 of the class packet).