Friday, May 2, 2014

Blog 9 "organic agriculture"

          Food......It is not a luxury,but a necessity.Without it life is not possible.With an ever growing population and demand higher than ever.The food industry figured out ways to come up with the supply part of the equation.What corporations came up with is farming that has been industrialized.Use of harmful pesticides the norm,And Genetically modified crops just to name a few.The negatives of such procedures have been well documented.Environmental damage and consumer health have all taken a back seat.To one sole goal,Maximizing profits.All is not lost,Ladies and gentleman.According to sustainable table,the website for the films,The meatrix.One way we can help reverse this trend is through organic agriculture.Which provide us with safer food to eat,and is more Eco-friendly to the envirment.
         In Industrial farming,Stock are crammed together.They never see daylight and spend there entire life's Indoors.Do to the conditions some can not even turn around.Inhumane and animal cruelty is second nature in these farms.In organic farms,According to the reading"A farmer using sustainable methods,Might keep his or her animals indoors in bad weather,But the animals are given ample space to move around naturally and are healthy,Comfortable and well cared for".Thats news is sure to make the animal rights activist in all of us proud.
          We all know the phrase,"Bigger is better",But how would you feel knowing the cow,That is now your steak was given growth hormones banned in countries like Canada and Europe.The milk you drink with these nice chocolate cookies could contain the same chemicals.All the just another negative thought when getting into industrialized food.When going organic,"No added or artificial hormones are allowed for organic farms,Nor are they used in sustainable farming".Another positive to choosing organic.
          It's scary what has become of our food Industry.Quantity vastly exceeds Quality.In the end  we the consumer have a choice.Organic agriculture is one of those smart choices we can not use to not only better our life's and that of nature,But also sent a message.Corporations are good with statistics,calculating profits and loses.taking a stand ,Will surely help encourage change.Ways you can help are by,supporting your local farmer.By buying there products at farmers market.Also look for the usda organic label when shopping at the supermarket.

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