In "The Fattening of America," Eric Finkelstein, a health economist states that American have become fat because food's prices have become cheaper than before. Also, mostly fattening food and beverages have been discounted especially from1983 to 2005. He said that cheap price of food and drink makes Americans getting fat. Thus, he insists that the most reason of American's overweight is the lower price of foods.
Well, I am not going to deny all to his reason for American's fattening. However, I want to say that it is a part of the reason not all .American have become fat because of the industrial revolution's creatures.
First , easy transportation made Americans fat. After car, train, and auto mobile was invented, most people have started driving or riding the transportation because it is convenience and it saved time reaching at working place on time. However, people didn't walk as much time as they should so, the energy for burning energy was accumulated in human's bodies. Thus, Americans have been fattening.
Second, TV and Computers is holding Americans on the coach. After eat meals, people mostly sit on coach in front of TV and computer because these entertain you and attract you to watch drama, shows, sports whatever you are interested in. Thus, people do not want to see friend or for a walk in park, or spend time playing with your kids. So, where the calories suppose to go? In air, in the garbage can or your bank account? It only goes in your bodies. Not only that, the ads food and the cooking channels makes people to try to cook more and buy more. Thus, When the author says " Americans started to put on pounds because of cheaper prices" I think he make people cheap. People is very important for human being so people are not going to buy more and eat more food because of that.
Third. busy daily schedule makes people fattening. After the revolution, many people spend most time at work, at school, for something. By the reasons, we really do not have time, and we are so tired from work. Thus, we are looking for food from restaurant which offer cooked food or we can buy food which is already processed. So, when Finkelstein say that Americans become fat because of cheaper food. I want to say eating outside is cost. He should know that so many rich people, who are busy and lazy, also overweight and eat food in high ending restaurant.
In sump, There is not only certain reason to be more fattening, and it is really complex reasons. Thus, I want to say the author's dispute doesn't make me understand the reason for American's overweight. I want to say it is all from the revolution's bad part of modern's creature such as technology devices and easy transportation.
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