Monday, May 12, 2014

blog10----Manufactured Demand

      Many people who choose bottled drinking water understand that it is more expensive, but they are willing to pay the extra money because they feel bottled water is safer, healthier and comvenient than tap wate  for them. After all, bottled water is often marketed as "natural spring water" or "pure glacier water."
In reality, few bottled waters come from natural springs, and most of them use municipal tap water. The companies are able to get away with this false marketing because the regulations and standards for bottle drinking water are less stringent than those for residential drinking sources.
Bottled water quality is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), while drinking water systems are typically regulated by State regulations or the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This doesn't mean that the FDA isn't doing their job. It's just that the rules for bottled water only require it to be as good as tap water, not better.

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