Saturday, May 3, 2014

Summary from the New York Times

According to the New Times article by Mary M. Chapman, the verdicts brought to a close a trial in which discharge laid out a complex case against Mr. Kilpatrick and his co-defendants including his father , Bernard and they had used the mayor’s office to enrich themselves for years. The ex-mayor’s friend and his co-defendants were found guilty of 9 of 11 counts including racketeering. The jury found Mr. Kilpatrick guilty of 24 of the 30 charges and his father, who found guilty of filing a false tax return. As verdicts were read Mr. Killpatrick was by turns, sudden loss of courage and shaking his head at his lowyer. Prosecutors also said he illegally used nonprofit funds and state grants for personal expenses.

1 comment:

Doctor X said...

Not bad, but it is not often that the CAT-W includes readings on fraud and/or politics. What made you choose this type of reading?