Wow,it's been a long time coming.Cant believe we are close to taking the catw soon and close to wrapping up eng 099.Its been a fun and interesting class dr x.You ve been an excellent teacher thank you for your innovative teaching techniques I have learned a the writing.Out of all my blogs my monalisa I believe is blog number 6.I think this is my best one because not only do I feel like it's the one best put together,with everything I learned in class,from having a good intro to keep the reader engaged.To having a good thesis based statement and using great examples to prove my case.I like the article in general and feel it could be used on an actual catw.
The class activities that have helped me the best were thesis based writing and summarizing.Ive learned that having a good thesis sets up your whole essay.I used to be very disorganized in my writing but learned structure.Through good summarizing.throwing in practice catw from time to time really helps to see if you've improved or not and what are your weaknesses so you can work on it.the lesson on introduction was great,as to me your intro is the most important part of your essay.learning new ways to start an essay and be creative in keeping the reader reading is very important.
Well for me my biggest weaknesses is grammar and keeping my wording I will definitely be working on that.Time management as well,I remember on my first cat w I didn't have enough time to finish my conclusion.Im gonna see what techniques I can use to help with that.the packet has a good structure that works.15-20 min of reading.10 min to plan I don't really use this step I kinda just jump into the writing.50 min to write the response which is good,and the 10 min to revise and edit which I don't do neither which I will begin to do if I got time.
1 comment:
Thank you for the thoughtful reflection. I am glad the class has helped a bit.
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