Saturday, May 10, 2014

Bottled water is safer than tap water.

"Bottled water is safer than tap water."
This statement from the Myth could be right for underdevelopment countries, but it will not true in development countries just like in New York City. In New York City most of the people are willing to drink tap water because we believe that it can both save our money and safety for our health. However, the myth statement can convenience a few people, I still prefer to drinking tap water because is regulated by the US environmental protection agency, and that organization is more accurate than Food and Drug Administration. Moreover, according to research from ABC news show that new york city tap water' taste are more better and clean than bottled water. Tap water are enrich in mineral such as fluoride which help to prevent from tooth decaying and chlorine which kill microorganisms, but bottled water doesn't have some. In summing up of these researches, nothing can persuade me from drinking tap water to bottled water.

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