Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Blog 12: Revising CAT-W # 2.

In “The Dangers of Reality Tv” Timothy Sexton explains that reality Tv has many negative consequence for young adians and it is not develop people minds. Author also mentions that Tv companies make money for them but it does not help others people. However, it gives wrong ideas that education is not necessary and without it people can achieve their dreams. Timoth Sexton is right when he says that reality Tv shows give us dangerous massages about education.
When we talk about reality Tv shows than we think big stage, a lot of wealthy people and chance to win money that would be change their lives. Timothy said that “These reality shows send the most dangerous massage that education is completely unnecessary to fulfill the American dream”. If I think that Tv shows change my life without any education then I would say that it is only possible in the dream, not in reality. Reality shows only focus about beauty, nice image, obviously money which represents the luxury. They do not think about viewers but they do care about business because it is profitable for them when people watch their shows. For example, everywhere has reality tv shows such as who can eat food more than others, dancing with star, drinking coffee with star, hunting guest at night, American idol, man vs. wild, Jersey Shore, the real housewives and so on. Most of time they not even thinking that it funny to watch and does not make any sense to the viewers. End this paragraph I want to emphasize that these tv shows are harmful for our educational system.
Reality Tv show has bad impact in our minds. When we see these shows it reminds us that we are living in world that everything is simple and luxury. In this way we pollute our mind and we cannot think beside this. For example, American’s next top models or the voice those are searching for talent who has good voice, beauty. Winner gets money and wealthier lifestyle. When young people see this opportunity he / she may think it is very easy way to get rich without education. This kind of result students get inspires and pollutes their minds.
In conclusion, people should think about reality tv shows and they should choose shows that help them to think about the reality that people faced in their life every day. I wish Tv companies make educational shows that help student. Also they can do good things like ignore the fake luxury and try to do more real things that change to prople.        

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