Saturday, May 3, 2014

Blog # 8 Midterm Reflection

Writing an essay is not easy ,especially when English is a second language.We have to think about how to use the words to make sentences,how to write a good organization,how to connect our ideas and which transition words we can use and the most important is how we can manage our time during a catw  essay.During my class ENG 99 with Dr Gallardo I learned a lot. After many essay in this class I can say that my best essay is "Hype "  I am proud about this essay because I think I liked the article and was easy for me to express ideas in this essay.Not only that but I think I had good organization and good body paragraphs The examples and the ideas from article were used good and I had good explication.                                                    
                                        Writing a lot essay during this class helped me a lot to practice my basic writing skills.The summary of the different articles and the thesis statement helped me a lot to develop my basic writing skills.During this class a learned new things and I learned to organize my thought and my knowledge better than it used to be. .First, I learned that passing a catw essay we need to write at list an introduction,  short and good summary, 3 body paragraphs, and nice conclusion .Second, I learned that a body paragraph contains Topic sentence, evidence + explanation, explain of evidence and a nice conclusion.Third , I learned how to write nice claim + reason ( thesis statements). We worked in groups and discussed many ideas about different topics .Fourth, I learned to finish my writing in 90 minutes Not only that but we practiced in the same time many topics and prepare for ENG 101.                                                                                                                              

                                           During the next four to five weeks I will concentrate more in the grammar and vocabulary because I think is my issue.Having  ideas in your mind is easy but writing them on the paper is so complicated.Another important thing is I will read different essays and I will concentrate more in developing of the paragraphs.                                                                                                                                                                          
                                       In conclusion I strongly believe that Dr Gallardo had played a positive role in catw writing essays.All her advises  will be a wheel man in my education .

1 comment:

Doctor X said...

Very thoughtful and detailed reflection. Thank you. :-)