Friday, May 2, 2014

Want to be more creative? Take a walk by Gretchen Raynolds say that if we feel that our mind can´t think anymore we should do exercise or take a walk. Also some studies showed that people and animals can covert better after exercise or walk.Some famous artiest or writers get the best ideas when they did some exercise or they took a walk. Dr. Oppezzo was curious if the walk really help people get better thinking and more creative.Thus she set up a group of student which took a walk and were tested after. These student did better then those who were only sitting.To make it more validate that walk really matters and no matter where it is inside or outside.She tested some students who were walking indoor and outdoor and the results were pretty same. It is the walk that is helping to be more creative.

1 comment:

Doctor X said...

EXCELLENT choice. This is absolutely the kind of article that gets selected for the CAT-W.