Saturday, May 3, 2014

Blog 4 " "Allegory of a Cave"

In Platos "The Allegory of the Cave", Socrates tells a story to his student Glaucon to explain that we live unexamined life, we live a closed life, always on the same level of knowledge, near being able to increase that knowledge. They are illusion, are created by our culture society (by those who benefit-from keeping us ignorant) and we believe these illusions to be "real", "true”. When we are given knowledge, we become free of these illusions but gaining knowledge is a slow, painful process. Gradually, we become wise, when we try to explain what we learned, what is "real" (true and right) to others, we feel because they deny or cannot understand the truth. They conclude that the knowledgeable person is ridiculous, stupid or crazy and dangerous. I agree with the author because people rather be ignorant, they do not want to put in time to gain anything in life.

In today’s Society people are very lazy, the preferred not to learn. When there is so much technology, strategies, material and media to help to gain knowledge, we preferred to do nothing. We just remain the same way every day that go by. I remember attending primary school in my country, there was a girl by the name of Jessie who failed classes, because she just did not want to learn anything. We set up study group, get books for her to read and arrange with the teacher to give her some extra help. Jessie never showed to any cession, she just did not care and never wanted to put in the time to be more knowledgeable. To me she will never move forward in life.

1 comment:

Doctor X said...

I have to wonder what is the motivation behind people uninterested in learning...comfort? fear? laziness, as you point out? It is so strange...