In the article "The fattening of America"Eric Finkelstein and Laurie Zuckerman argue that Americans start to be fat because food has got cheaper and fattening food has become bargain.between 1983 and 2005 the cost of fats and oils declined 16 %.The article shows that before ice cream and soft drink reserved for special occasions today is the number one in their list.At the end the article sticks with the idea that the lower price of the food make Americans fat.I disagree with the article because it's not the cheap food that make people fat but other things do that. People eat a lot junk food and exercise too little. It is true in this days people eat too much, without a schedule and cause to them to gain too much weight and they don't exercise .Lack of exercise causes obesity for them. Neglectfulness make them not to pay a lot attention in their body and as a result they don't exercise and they get fat.Even at work when they eat don't movie to another table 'space or restaurant but they eat in the same space where they work.My close friends is almost in the same situation. She eats all day long a lot of junk and when she see her self overweight she think to exercise.My example shows that people have to think about themselves and to make a nice schedule and a combination eating + exercising because of that they can care about their body. Some illness make people fat. Theroide is one of the illnesses that makes people fat.Even tough people have a strong diet they cannot stop the fattiness.My mom for many years suffers from theroide Even though she eats little bit the theroide causes to her fattiness.It is true sometimes we cannot do nothing to stop from getting to fat.
In conclusion I want to say that junk food and different illnesses make people fat.People should take care for themselves and select food that is the best for them because of this they can stop they body to be fat and they can be healthy.
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