In the movie the meatrix Leo was a pig who were happy living on a family farm until Moopheus show up and tell him that he were living in a dream world, and that all animals does not live that way. Moopheus told him it you want to know the true take the red pill and i will show you ,but it you want to live in your dream world talk the blue pill and stay there.
In the meatrix revolting Moohpeus told Leo not because we have achieve so much in the past 2 year people start to eat healthier ,but there are still work to be done. Leo close his eyes and suddenly he is in a happy farm and ask the man at the chair if there is room for him. But when he look through the meatrix illusion he see machine milking the cow instead of milkmaid.
In the meatrix two and a half Moopheus were capture and told Leo not to worry about me him just stop the dairy factories. He were tie up and carry to the slaughterhouse that call "Happy Farm". While the agent were telling Moopheus about how much cow they kill a day to feed the nation fast food. The agent did not care that one of the work got hurt all the care bout is how fast he can work so the speed up the belt. Chickly and Leo show up at the slaughterhouse to rescues moopheus, which the did and the three of them run out of the slaughterhouse.
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