Thursday, May 1, 2014


We are about to take our final exam ending of this month. we got a great professor called Dr.X for this ENG class. Her teaching style is totally different from others, which helped us a lot to learn. Consequently, i have learned many writing skills from her such as, how to write and start a nice introduction, about easy summary, how to develop idea in the easy, about body paragraphs; like wise, about well written easy structure. Next, i learned from her about grammar, words and effective sentences; moreover, how to write a high score easy. Finally, CATW practice test helped the most to correct my writing mistakes because the way she evaluated the easy, i figure our my mistakes. At first, i used to think i have problems with grammar, words and sentences.Unfortunately, i found that  i have problem with easy structure and developing ideas; thus, now i am working on it to correct those mistakes and i really need to work on it to pass the exam. Brave new world book and its web tutorials helping me a lot. web tutorials taught me about organizing the easy and about effective sentences. I believe we should give more CATW practice tests ; as a result, we can be confident and correct our mistakes and ready for the exam perfectly.

1 comment:

Doctor X said...

Thank you for the thoughtful reflection. It is good to know that you have figured out the main areas you need to work on. :-)