Sunday, May 11, 2014

Blog 12 How Your Cell Phone Hurt Your Relationship

                                                How  Your Cell Phone Hurt Your Relationship

            According to the article "How Your Cell Phone Hurt Your Relationship" the author Helen Lee Lin states that  with the wide uses of cell phone it  we are not careful we can damage our relationship.   Weinstein asked a pair of people to fill out a questionnaires about an even while in a private booth with a book and a cell phone.  The pair who sat face to face were connected to each other more than the persons who were sitting close by the cell phone.  With all the different apps and things we can do on our cell phone we don't pay attention to our surrounding while sitting in a meeting or driving on a highway.  Sometime we need to turn of the cell phone so we can see the person that sit next to us that we care about.

         I agree with the author Helen Lee Lin when she states that our phone can hurt our close relationship 
because, we tent to ignore the person in the room and some people are insecure about their relationship.
For example i went to visit a  friend i have not see in a long time.  While i were there her cell phone rings, and with out saying exquite me she answer and start  to hole a conversation while i were sitting there.  She were on your cell phone for about an hour before she remember that i were there.  I was so hurt, that we got  into argument.  I told her that i will never come again and visit you again, because you don't know how to treat your friend that right in front of you i was not that important at that time.

          I believe that we can become insecure in our relationship because of the cell phone there will be less trust, less faith and more tensions between the two companions. Now in society cell phones are always used to work out problems instead of communication. Couples may feel free enough to send a text saying it's over instead of working out the problem. One partner in the relationship will feel that the other is cheating and always stepping out on the relationship. One of the significant other might have a pass word on their phone which, the other significant  insecure might increases. They will always think the other is doing something when theirs a chance nothing could be occurring. Next the partners will have less faith than what they started in the relationship. Faith is a key concept that helps a relationship become stronger. Without faith, there will be no motivation within one another and then eventually they will break up. The tension between the two partners will be presented,one will probably always try to argue. Once the couple reached to this point usually a break up in another the corner.

            In my option the author Helen Lee Lin were right when she said we can"throw our cell phone in the closet, leave it in the car" or even turn it off when we are out with friend or even on a date, because  life is too to spend so much time on our cell phone and not focus on the people in our life.



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