Monday, May 19, 2014

Blog #14 the New Industrial Migrants

As many industries that allows undocumented immigrants to work. The IBP industry is not an exception. This company recruits immigrants to work as meat packing all over the country.  Eric Scholosser, makes sense when he states that, IBP industry recruits immigrants to work for a low salary. Many immigrants accept to work for a low salary because they have no other option. Even though is beneficial for both parties by immigrants getting employed and have the job opportunity to make some money to support their family. And the industries by gaining more money paying less salary to their employees. There are many reasons of how these types of industries are taking advantage from illegal immigrants.

Most of the industries don’t pay the salary that they supposed to pay. It shouldn't be like this; because those people should be treating the same as others human beings. In life anyone should deserve to get pay depending in the type of work that they are doing. If the job is hard, industries should pay more because it’s a kind of complicate job. What’s more, industry that hired illegal immigrants doesn't offer any type of work benefits to them. Per example: when my sister was illegal her boss was trying to abuse of humiliate by trying to make her to work more and paying less. Because after she worked 40 hours he supposed to pay overtime and he didn't do it just because he knew that she was undocumented immigrant and that anyways she had to stay in this job. Afterwards, is very convenient for them because they won’t have the obligation to pay any sick days, vacation, health insurance and union benefits. It’s very unfair that these poor people are working without any benefits just because they are illegal.

Nevertheless, I believe that in life everybody is the same and for a simple paper we cannot discriminate anyone. Everyone should get pay according to the work that they do. We cannot take any advantage and try to abuse any person just because they are illegal and they are in needs plus we can’t either do to others what we won’t like others do to us.

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