Friday, May 2, 2014

Blog # 7 People want to know

Most of the people want to know the truth rather than to live in ignorance. Many questions come around and  What if I do this ? or Why this or that? Most of the people are not philosopher or scientists, but some  are so curios about everything and they prefer to know the truth than be an uninformed. Knowing the truth give us the ability to make choices and investigate and take a risk. Nobody know what is going to happen. People like to know the truth . As I saw at the Matrix , Neo asked Morpheus  about The Matrix. Morpheus explain that all am offering is the truth , nothing more but  by taking the red  pill Neo understood the truth about Matrix (a computer generated) he filed  it  the "real world" who blind him from the truth ,dream world of the Matrix.He made his decision  and he deal with it. At the comic  movie "The Shadows Of Life" people didn't  know anything about life but only shadows.When a person told to them  that wasn't life but only shadows and darkness and took them out of the cave  they understood that exist sun and real life.                                                                                      

           Sometimes knowing the truth gets us out of our comfort zone and make a decision a practical choice but sometimes are certain things which are better know , so as to avoid exploitation.Everybody knows that hurricanes are dangerous and people have to deal with them. as I remember last year with hurricane Sandy. People knew that Sandy will be dangerous and for that people made many preparation to protect and survive from this hurricane and some other people lost their life to to help other people. My example shows that when people know what is going to happen they decide to protect themselves and if is possible to help other people .At the "Matrix" when Noe went to Oracle , she spoke confidently and tolled Neo he was not the One .Instructing him and tolled to him that soon  he will make a decision between his own life and Morpheus's life.She claims that Morpheus will willingly give his life for Neo. Knowing the truth Neo decided to help Morpheus and to risk his life. That is true knowing the truth before happen we make quick decisions.

             In conclusion I want to emphasize again the people are the most curios humans  being who want to know and decide about everything and deal with everything.

1 comment:

Doctor X said...

Curiosity does seem to be a human trait. It has, indeed, led us to learn much about the universe.